If you’re on the fence between colors, save a few bucks and get the Dark Brown.
Designer Brown Colored Mulch is slightly aged then ground and colored in the same process. Particle size is very consistent and does not have as many fines as an aged mulch has. It is the longest lasting mulch we carry. The medium brown color will last for many months unlike aged classic mulches thanks to ultra-violet light inhibitors. Feel safe knowing we use eco-friendly colorant that is safe for people, pets and plants. No construction C&D wood or pallets in this mulch! Your garden beds will look great for mulch longer and your plants will thrive!
Recommended application is around 3 inches for best weed resistance, moisture retention, and frost protection. You should go a little less around small plants, however with less all around you could be allowing weeds to grow or plantings to suffer from frost or extreme heat. The mulch acts like a blanket to extreme temps and droughts. You will find yourself mulching more often when too little is used. More than 3″ is just wasteful and could choke out plants. 4″ can be used around well established trees where you want no competition to insure great growth. Make sure mulched tree rings taper off near the bark of the tree.
Note: Because this mulch is colored, we do not recommend mulching within ~24 hours of expected rain. Brown Colored Mulch cures in our holding bins, however a final cure is still needed after spreading. Please call with any questions. You can read up on colored mulch tips and tricks here!